20 People You Won't Believe Have Never Won An Oscar

15. David Fincher

David Fincher

I credit Fincher as one of the greatest living filmmakers, yet for some reason his name is never vocalized in the same breath as the likes of Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino. This seems strange, seeing as the quality of his work thus far matches these true greats. He has been at the helm of outstanding pictures such as Se7en, Fight Club, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button and The Social Network, but I still feel that we have yet to witness the zenith of his career. No other director has made such a great number of raw cult gems than Fincher. 1999 hit Fight Club is now considered one of the best films in the history of cinema, however at the time, Fincher didn't even receive an Oscar nomination to show for it! I also believe he deserved to win as Best Director in 2010 for the Social Network, but he unjustly lost out to Tom Hooper of The Kings Speech. Should Fincher continue making movies of similar caliber to his previous projects, then the Academy simply can't overlook his efforts for much longer. If you remember, the same thing happened with Martin Scorsese, who got snubbed for true cinematic greats such as Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and Raging Bull, however he finally won with The Departed in 2006. So hopefully, Oscar history will repeat itself and it will only be a matter of time before Fincher gets his hands on an Oscar which a director of his ilk deserves.
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Massive Arsenal fan Jacob Savill, is a new-ish contributor to WhatCulture and his first few articles have proved popular amongst the sports and film pages. As an A-Level English Student and an aspiring journalist he's using WhatCulture as preparation for what he hopes to be a successful journalistic career.