20 Predictions For 2018's Rotten Tomatoes Scores
4. Avengers: Infinity War (88%)
Predicted Critical Consensus: "Boasting scope and ambition like no other superhero movie, Avengers: Infinity War is a super-charged comic book event which delivers the thrilling payoff fans are expecting, alongside a dose of unexpected emotional heft."
It's staggering that the MCU still hasn't released a single critically rotten movie in a decade's worth of films, and with the Russo brothers in charge of the franchise's biggest movie yet, there's no reason to doubt this one ending up a huge critical hit.
Sure, there will be those who will knock the movie for being too crowded or exhausting, but with Thanos finally making his arrival and the inevitably brutal consequences for The Avengers, Infinity War may even provide a remedy to those citing Marvel fatigue.