20 Predictions For 2018's Rotten Tomatoes Scores

13. Solo: A Star Wars Story (63%)

Solo A Han Solo Story

Predicted Critical Consensus: "Though not quite the sturdy Han Solo origin story fans were hoping for, Solo: A Han Solo Story is nevertheless a breezily enjoyable sci-fi western."

Now, there are a lot of things working against this upcoming Star Wars spin-off - namely the well-noted production troubles - but it's also important to remember that critics are nowhere near as rabid or picky about Star Wars as fans are.

After all, the prequels scored 55%, 66% and 79% respectively, which considering how many fans consider them terrible, isn't bad at all.

Plus, though it seemed like Rogue One was set to received mixed reviews after being heavily re-shot, it still nailed a strong 85%, even if most fans merely deemed it "OK".

That's without even mentioning the major disparity between fans and critics for The Last Jedi, which sits at a cool 91%. Though Solo scoring effusive reviews would be a major shocker, it'll probably still be broadly praised as a decent enough popcorn flick (while fans will deem it an abject disaster).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.