20 Reasons Horror Might Be The Greatest Genre Ever
8. Horror As A Subversive Art If you like to go against the grain of society and wallow in some subversive delights, then horror is the genre for you. In some cases it may be indecent but you will find precious few genres offer you the chance to go so deeply into the world of subversion. Take the work of Teuton Shock Maestro Jorg Buttgereit. Necrophilia may be repugnant, but how many directors have had the balls to make a romantic horror film out of the subject a la NEKromantik? Even Night of the Living Dead is a highly subversive film - featuring a child killing her parents, the then socially radical move of having a black hero and the shock of having that hero gunned down in the end. Subversion is a large part of the appeal of the horror film and to be fair most horror films are pretty subversive and deliver the goods.