20 Saddest Moments In Marvel's Cinematic Universe (So Far)
5. Peter Quill Loses His Mum
The naysayers ill at ease over the yuk yuk ratio in the MCU may want to give Ant-Man a wide berth: Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has already acknowledged that their next film will be an antidote of sorts to Ultron as people riding ants, people communicating with ants cant be delivered with too straight a face. Nevertheless, Marvel has consistently demonstrated a steady hand marrying comedic elements with both action and drama, and one need only revisit Guardians Of The Galaxy to find a movie that balanced all of the above with easy brio. Guardians definitely errs on the side of comedy, yet there were some genuinely moving moments thrown into the Awesome Mix. The opening scene was proof enough of that, with a young Peter Quill forced to endure the harrowing experience of watching his mother pass away before his eyes. Its all but forgotten in a matter of minutes as a fully grown Star-Lord gets his groove on to Redbones Come And Get Your Love, but the hospital scene remains one of Marvels more powerful openings, and the most emotive by a distance.
I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.