20 Stupid X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

11. Storm's Lightning - X-Men: The Last Stand

Storm Vs Callisto

Comic book movies have an annoying habit of dropping random new powers in for the sake of the plot and the X-Men franchise has been guilty of it a few times. Hell, they basically made Apocalypse a walking Swiss Army Knife of mutations to allow him to do whatever the hell he wanted to.

Even before then, they gave Storm a similar treatment during the battle between the Brotherhood of Mutants and the X-Men in The Last Stand. In that sequence, she's facing the extremely powerful Callisto, so unleashes a blast of Emperor Palpatine-like Force lightning from her hands.

This would not be possible given that Storm's powers are to control the weather, and not to randomly shoot electricity at things. There's no storm, so Storm isn't drawing from it. That's called cheating, kids.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.