20 Stupid X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

10. Why Doesn't Xavier Use Cerebro On Someone Else To Find Magneto? - X-Men

X-Men The Last Stand Magneto
20th Century Fox

Magneto thinks himself rather ingenious with his fancy helmet in the original movies, because it means he can be hidden from Cerebro and from Charles Xavier's mental manipulation.

It works as well, because Charles fails to find Magneto in order to find where he's taken Rogue at the end of the first movie, which would have been really handy. But, hang on, Rogue isn't wearing a helmet and neither are any of Magneto's loyal henchmen. Why didn't Xavier just use Cerebro to tune into them instead?

He even uses Toad and Sabretooth's minds against Magneto at one point but then he apparently just forgets it's an option, which is handy for Magneto, because he never thinks to fit his buddies with helmets to protect him either.


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