20 Stupid X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

9. Rogue & Magneto Regrow Their Powers - X-Men: Days Of Future Past (The Rogue Cut)

X-Men Cure

And speaking of inconsistent powers, how about the ones in Days Of Future Past that mysteriously come out of nowhere?

You might not want to, but you'll remember that the end of X-Men: The Last Stand features the introduction of a mutant cure, which was shown to be pretty devastatingly effective. After spending the first three movies struggling with the cost of her powers, Rogue opts to taking the cure and losing her powers so she can live a normal life.

At the other end of the scale, Magneto is unwittingly infected with the cure and is depowered. So it's surprising, even with the hint that he has SOME of his powers left in his final scene in the park that he turns up in Days Of Future Past as if nothing happened. Could we not have been told how he got back to full power?

And the same goes for Rogue, whose inclusion in The Rogue Cut changed the story of the film and again, inexplicably showed her with her whole powerset in place despite what came before it.


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