20 Stupid X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

16. Wolverine's Claws - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Wolverine Claws

Look, expecting the X-Men timeline to stick to its own rules is like asking the Terminator movies to make sense. It's just not going to happen if breaking the rules makes for more potential entertainment.

Obviously, Days Of Future Past was set up as the timeline cleanser, which would unite the two different time periods and do away with some of the less popular mistakes of the past. But even before we got to that clean-slate reset, the film forgot its place in the timeline.

Before he heads to the past, the older Wolverine shows off his claws with their traditional shiny metal look... only, that's not how they should look at all. In his previous film - The Wolverine - the Silver Samurai cut off his Adamantium claws and his bone claws returned, because he obviously couldn't heal metal. Somebody, somewhere, just wasn't paying attention properly.


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