20 Stupid X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

14. Werewolves Of London - Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix Car Crash

If you're going to make a movie set in a historical period and make a deal about the importance of the setting, it's probably best you do your research before using cultural reference points to add background context.

Had the Fox team behind Dark Phoenix done that, they might have picked up on one of the silliest errors in that abominable film's catalogue of wrongness.

At the beginning, before we see Jean's parents apparently killed, she uses her powers to change the radio station. The song playing was Glen Campbell's "By the time I get to Phoenix" and she changes it to Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London." As the time stamp had literally just said, this scene is set in 1975 and Zevon didn't record that song until 1978.


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