20 Terrible Film Lines That Had No Right Being Memorable

3. "You're Tearing Me Apart Lisa!"

Room1 Pretty much any line of dialogue from Tommy Wiseau's astonishingly inept The Room could have made this list, but here is one of the more quoted ones. In the midst of a heated argument with his girlfriend, Wiseau absolutely loses it and begins wailing and pumping his fists; resembling a weird, distressed, first-time weightlifter. It's a scene that would get mocked in Acting 101, summarising The Room's inability to create even the tiniest amount of serious dramatic tension. A misguided masterpiece or simply misguided? That's up to you. But with over three million views of this clip on YouTube, Wiseau's wail has certainly made its impact on film fans; even if for all the wrong reasons.

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.