20 Terrible Film Lines That Had No Right Being Memorable

2. "What's In The Bag? A Shark, Or Something?"

Niccage The unintentionally hilarious Wicker Man has several nuggets of inadvertent comedy gold, but this might just be the pick of the bunch. Nicolas Cage has starred in some fantastic failures over the years, but the sequence in which he asks some women in The Wicker Man what they have in their rustling bag might be his most awful moment. The best part is probably the way that Cage delivers the line with a big smile, before looking down and letting his grin gradually slip away - almost as if realising the sheer stupidity of his own comment. Falling under the sarcastic heading of "Greatest Movie Moment in Cinema History" on YouTube, this terrible line of dialogue has managed to burn its way into memories of movie-lovers when it should've never been heard in the first place.

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.