20 Terrible Razzie Mistakes - Corrected

4. The Lone Ranger - Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Actor, Worst Rip-Off And Worst Screenplay

Penguin Batman Returns

The Lone Ranger being one of the most nominated films at the 2014 ceremony is one of the biggest injustices in Razzie history.

The Lone Ranger was evidently attacked because of the budget and the troubled production, not because of the film, which was a good, thoroughly enjoyable (although overlong) blockbuster with some amazing set-pieces. It also got mixed-to-positive reviews in the UK, which says it all really.

All five of these nominations were ridiculous, especially for Gore Verbinski's visually strong directing, and all needed to go.


Four of these nominations should've gone to A Good Day to Die Hard, one of the worst, most boring and most poorly-done action films of the last 20 years, as well as one of the worst sequels ever made. It was criminally 'snubbed' by the Razzies and should've taken nods for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel.

To make matters worse, The Lone Ranger won that latter award over Grown Ups 2, which is arguably one of the worst movies ever made and, shockingly, didn't win a single award at this ceremony despite being the most nominated film of that year.

For Worst Actor, since Bruce Willis' performance in A Good Day to Die Hard was fine, Jesse Eisenberg deserved a nod instead for his awful, insufferably annoying performance in Now You See Me.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.