20 Terrible Razzie Mistakes - Corrected

3. Mother - Worst Director, Worst Actress And Worst Supporting Actor

Penguin Batman Returns
Paramount Pictures

Suburbicon. The Snowman. The Book of Henry. Downsizing. Alien: Covenant. Naked. Geostorm. Rings. Flatliners. 9/11. Those are just a few of the terrible 2017 movies that could've been nominated instead of Mother. What the hell were they thinking?

Mother is a flawed but fascinating art-house film with amazing directing from Darren Aronofsky and a great central Jennifer Lawrence performance, so those are two of the worst Razzie nominations ever. Javier Bardem's performance, meanwhile, isn't that great but was still nowhere near a bottom-five nominee.


While The Book of Henry was arguably the worst film of that year, the performances were fine and the directing wasn't bottom-five level either, so these three nominations should've gone to 9/11, AKA the Charlie Sheen 9/11 movie, which is one of the most offensive and incompetent films of recent times.

For 9/11, Martin Guigui should've been nominated for Worst Director, Gina Gershon should've been nominated for Worst Actor and the Worst Supporting Actor nod could've gone to either Wood Harris or Luis Guzman.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.