20 Terrible Razzie Mistakes - Corrected

1. The Shining And The Thing's Nominations For Worst Director And Worst Musical Score Respectively

Penguin Batman Returns
Warner Bros.

Here they are: the two Worst Razzie nominations of all time. These nominations came from the 1981 and 1983 ceremonies (the first and third ones) respectively, so this was when the Razzies were in their infancy; with these two mistakes they nearly destroyed any semblance of credibility before they properly started.

Ennio Moriconne's score for The Thing is a brilliant work of film music and one of the finest horror movie soundtracks ever crafted. There will have been tens, if not hundreds of other musical scores in 1982 that lacked this soundtrack's artistry and skill, so what the hell were they thinking?

Meanwhile, The Shining's nomination for Worst Director is so unjust and so appalling it could be enough to make one hate the Razzies for life. It's bad enough that Stanley Kubrick, perhaps the most ingenious artist in the history of the film medium, is a Razzie nominee but what makes it worse is that The Shining is one of his finest feats of directing.

The Shining is the most visually stunning horror film ever and Kubrick's flawless use of cinematic space, mise-en-scene and tracking shots show an unparalleled cinematic master at the top of his game. Nothing happens by accident and every shot is brilliant. It's a film so meticulously constructed there was a whole documentary analysing it.


Literally anything else would've been preferable to either of these. Even now, around forty years later, it's arguable that the Razzies have never lived this down.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.