20 Terrible Razzie Mistakes - Corrected

17. That's My Boy - Worst Picture, Worst Actor, Worst Screen Couple, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay And Worst Screen Ensemble

Penguin Batman Returns
Columbia Pictures

Is That's My Boy really so awful? It's not very funny and doesn't make much of an impact, but it's oddly endearing as a story of a father re-connecting with his son and while it is offensive, it's no worse than many other modern comedies and people over-reacted to it a Lot.

Adam Sandler's performance is often annoying but it was hardly worthy of a nomination; ditto for Worst Screen Couple and Worst Screen Ensemble. The directing and writing weren't that awful either.

Overall, is this one of 2012's worst? Chernobyl Diaries, Snow White and the Huntsman, Safe House, Man on a Ledge, Dark Shadows, The Pact, Wrath of the Titans, Paranormal Activity 4 and The Devil Inside were all 2012 films, so that's a big "No".


2012's worst film was The Devil Inside, a painfully unscary and atrociously written horror film with one of the worst endings of all time, so that deserved to take the Worst Picture (frankly, a win would've been justified), Worst Director and Worst Screenplay nominations.

Sam Worthington deserved a Worst Actor nod for both Wrath of the Titans and Man on a Ledge, while Dark Shadows deserved Worst Screen Couple (Johnny Depp and Bella Heathcote) and Worst Screen Ensemble (for all the talented actors it wasted).

The two awards that it won, Worst Actor for Sandler and Worst Screenplay, should've been awarded to Breaking Dawn Part II (with Robert Pattinson taking the former award).


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.