20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

8. Narrator In The Driving Seat

It’s strange. Every time that we see the Narrator get out of a car, he always gets out of the driver’s seat. This wouldn’t be so strange, but it happens even in situation where Tyler is driving. Strange. It’s almost as if they’re the same person.

The scene where this is the most prominent is during the car crash as not only did they get in the car from the same side, but it’s one where we actively see Tyler behind the wheel.

When the car crashes and flips over, keep your eye on where the front of the car is. Taking into account that it’s upside down, Tyler crawls out of the passenger-side door and clambers over the car to drag the narrator from the driving seat.

These subtleties are what gives this movie an extra level of complexity, and another of those things which you’ll only pick up naturally on your thirtieth watch-through.

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Fight Club
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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!