20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

7. The Narrator Flinching

In talking about being subtle, the film actually does it quite well. These things linking the Narrator and Tyler might be obvious once they’re pointed out, they might even make you feel stupid. Keep in mind though that there are a million other people who didn’t figure it out until the end either.

Despite being the same person, none of the fighting from one seems to have an active impact on the other. The other always just watches from the side-lines, un-reactive. All except for one fight.

Following the same scene where Tyler calls out Angel Face on being a rock star, the owner of the basement, Lou, comes down to kick them out. When it comes to blows and Tyler laughs as Lou strikes him again and again, in the background you can see Norton wincing and clutching his stomach.

It's barely visible but it's a nice touch nonetheless and any observant viewers would definitely be taken off guard by it.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!