20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

14. Leonardo DiCaprio's Breath

As well as being full of big names like Brad Pitt and Jared Leto, another Hollywood heartthrob makes a cameo in Fight Club – Leonardo DiCaprio. Now, before you race to your nearest source of the film and start pausing frame by frame, I’ll save you some time and let you know that, sadly, you can’t see Leo’s face in the film. However, you can see another part of him. And no, before you jump to assumptions, I’m not talking about the entry at number 17.

This one is rather interesting as, unlike the homage paid to DeNiro, a part of DiCaprio is actually seen in this film - at least sort of.

In the scene where the Narrator is first able to enter his cave and he sees a penguin sliding around, the frosty mist surrounding the place is actually DiCaprio’s frozen breath from Titanic. You have to hand it to the editors for this Easter Egg as there’s no way you would know without being told.

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Fight Club
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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!