20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

13. Nolan Phone Number Crossover

And for the third one in a row, we actually have another cameo, or rather, a reverse cameo.

To clear up the confusion, Fight Club didn’t do this intentionally, but another film might’ve. Any Nolan fans or avid cinephiles may know of the masterpiece that is Memento. It came out less than a year after Fight Club and, bar having an equally interesting plot twist, the two films are nothing alike.

However, there is one specific detail that links the two films together, and that comes in the form of a phone number. After confronting Marla about the support groups, the Narrator gets her number so that they can split the groups up to stop running into one another. This number is the same one as the character 'Teddy' in Memento.

While not something the film did intentionally as Fincher used the number first, the connection is a nice touch by Nolan.

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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!