20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

12. Coffee Cups

This film has a very strong message when it comes to corporations and branding. The narrator even has a line specifically about what will happen if industry and consumerism are allowed to continue the way they do.

"When deep space exploration ramps up, it will be the corporations that name everything, the Microsoft Galaxy, the IBM stellar sphere, Planet Starbucks... " And Planet Starbucks is definitely what the film likes to portray.

In every scene, according to the director David Fincher himself, there’s a Starbucks cup. Yup, every…single…scene. This becomes like a game of Where’s Wally? as you can watch the film trying to spot every signature coffee cup, sort of like the pineapples in episodes of Psyche.

This really accentuates the message the film, and Tyler Durden, is trying to get across, especially as Starbucks are one of the corporations most guilty for being at the absolute peak of consumerism and capitalism.

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Fight Club
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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!