20 Things Hidden In Fight Club You Totally Missed

11. No Incoming Calls

When the Narrator’s apartment explodes in a terrible barrage of flames and destruction, which Tyler later confesses to having planned, he considers his options. We never see any of his family in the film, so that's out of the question. And because he was only just on an aeroplane with him, he decides to call Tyler.

He calls him from a payphone but hangs up right away. However, as he’s dismissing the idea, the payphone starts ringing as Tyler calls back.

During this scene, the camera zooms in on the text on the phone sign; the words are blurry and difficult to decipher but if you look carefully you can make out what it says. The sign reads; ‘No incoming calls accepted’. This means that that phone couldn’t ring even if people did dial the number, hinting early on about the fact that Tyler doesn’t actually exist.

With so many hints so early on, it’s a miracle that all of us didn’t twig on earlier, and it makes the film incredibly re-watchable as you’ll find that you pick up something new with every viewing.

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Fight Club
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Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!