20 Things The X-Men Movies Actually Got Right

18. THAT Cameo In X-Men: First Class

X-Men Days Of Future Past

X-Men: First Class was a love letter to X-Men fans. The film is packed full of homages to the comics and even takes the characters back to the 1960s in which the X-Men comics were originally created.

But the cameo in the mid-portion of the film really nails the tone of the film. Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are searching for mutants to recruit for the mission when they come across a familiar face in a bar.

Sitting in the bar is Wolverine, smoking a cigar and having a drink. After a brief introduction from our two protagonists, Logan has a very simple three word response. Hilarious while also staying true to everything the character is, this cameo is an underrated gem in the X-Men Series.


Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.