20 Things The X-Men Movies Actually Got Right

16. Correcting The Timelines In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men Days Of Future Past
20th Century Fox

Perhaps the biggest point of controversy surrounding the X-Men franchise is the lack of continuity, particularly in the later films. However, in 2014 the franchise was handed a get out of jail free card in the form of X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Dealing with time travel and the effects that has on time, Days of Future Past's ending corrected all of the continuity errors by creating an alternative timeline. This timeline featured the characters and actors we know and love from the first films in the series. Actor like James Marsden, Famke Janssen and more all returned for the brief cameos.

The ending allowed fans to finally get their head around the X-Men timelines, as well as setting up any future films that would come after. It also finally gave the original cast the swan song that they deserved after X-Men: The Last Stand.


Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.