20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galaxy Quest

4. The Star Trek Franchise's Cast Loved The Movie...

Galaxy Quest

Fortunately the extended Star Trek cast from multiple iterations of the franchise pronounced themselves huge fans of the movie. Patrick Stewart, in particular, loved it:

"I had originally not wanted to see it because I heard that it was making fun of Star Trek and then Jonathan Frakes rang me up and said ‘You must not miss this movie! See it on a Saturday night in a full theatre.’ And I did and of course I found it was brilliant. Brilliant. No one laughed louder or longer in the cinema than I did, but the idea that the ship was saved and all of our heroes in that movie were saved simply by the fact that there were fans who did understand the scientific principles on which the ship worked was absolutely wonderful. And it was both funny and also touching in that it paid tribute to the dedication of these fans.”

Wil Wheaton, whose controversial child prodigy Wesley Crusher in Next Generation was mirrored by Galaxy quest’s child pilot Lieutenant Laredo, was just as effusive:

"I loved Galaxy Quest. I thought it was brilliant satire, not only of Trek, but of fandom in general. The only thing I wish they had done was cast me in it, and have me play a freaky fanboy who keeps screaming at the actor who played 'the kid' about how awful it was that there was a kid on the spaceship. Alas."

Meanwhile, George Takei managed to compliment the film in his inimitable style:

"I think it's a chillingly realistic documentary. The details in it, I recognised every one of them. It is a powerful piece of documentary filmmaking. And I do believe that when we get kidnapped by aliens, it's going to be the genuine, true Star Trek fans who will save the day. ... I was rolling in the aisles. And Tim Allen had that Shatneresque swagger down pat. And I roared when the shirt came off, and Sigourney rolls her eyes and says, 'There goes that shirt again.' ... How often did we hear that on the set?”
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Galaxy Quest
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.