20 Things You Didn’t Know About Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

18. So Much Effort Was Put Into Miles Morales’ Movements

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Facts Olivia Octavius Glasses
Sony Pictures Releasing

Early in the development of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Head of Character Animation, Josh Beveridge, established he wanted Miles to move at a different frame-rate to give him a distinct vibe and emphasise his inexperience. Instead of moving at a standard 24 frames per second, Miles moves at half-speed, which animators refers to as "animating in twos".

In an interview with majorspoilers, Beveridge states that,

"Animating on twos does some really neat things. For me, I love the texture of it. It feels a little bit more “pop art crisp”. You get a little bit more clarity and it pulls the needle a little bit more toward that base reality

Miles' unique movements is most noticeable when he's being chase through the forest. In this scene, Beveridge explains that,

"Miles is on twos because he's clumsy while Peter B. Parker is on ones because he's more skilled. Each character's detailed animation style helped to bring out his or her personality."

Throughout the movie, Miles' frame-rate speeds up, to highlight him getting a handle on his powers. In the third act, Miles is finally animated at 24fps to showcase he's embraced his destiny as Spider-Man.


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