20 Things You Didn't Know About Alien 3

9. The Xenomorph Was Meant To Have Lips

Alien 3

The Xenomorph Was Meant to Have Lips

Even though James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, and Ridley Scott receive a lot of praise for the Alien franchise, there would be no alien if it wasn't for HR Giger. This Swiss artist is responsible for conceptualising the Xenomorph into being with his phenomenal surreal art.

Despite his work on the first two Alien films, Giger was left out of AlienĀ³. When he was meant to be a part of the production, Giger intended to revise the look of his creation. Not only was he going to model the monster off a sphinx, he intended to give the Xenomorph "big luscious collagen lips" in the same vein as Michelle Pfeiffer so it appeared "more erotic". David Fincher agreed with Giger's though process, saying his design made the Xenomorph look "voluptuous and beautiful". Giger also considered having the alien "kiss" its victims to death; an idea which was reworked into Species, which Giger also worked on.

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