20 Things You Didn't Know About Alien 3

13. Charles S. Dutton Was A Real Convict

Alien 3
20th Century Fox

When Ripley lands on the penal colony of Fiorina, she is met a lot of hostility from the inmates. Over time, she starts to bond with one of the convicts, Dillon. Although he is a murderer, Dillon brings structure to the inmates' lives and plays a crucial role in taking down the Xenomorph.

Interestingly, the actor portraying Dillon, Charles S. Dutton, was a real convict. At the age of 16, he received a seven-year jail sentence for manslaughter. While in prison, Dutton got into a fight where he was stabbed in the neck. As a punishment, he was placed in solitary confinement, where he found a book about African-American playwrights, which ignited his passion for acting. It's no surprise Dutton used his own experience in prison for AlienĀ³ in order portray a convict who seeks redemption.

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