20 Things You Didn't Know About Alien 3

12. Sigourney Weaver Ordered For Ripley To Be Killed Off

Alien 3

The Alien series helped turn Sigourney Weaver into one of the most powerful women in Hollywood. After appearing in other big films including Gorillas in the Mist and Ghostbusters, she no longer wanted to be just associated with the sci-fi franchise. And when she heard rumours that an Alien VS Predator crossover was considered, she was so desperate not to star in it, she insisted Ripley be killed off in AlienĀ³.

But even after her character kicked the bucket (or whatever they kick in space), Weaver said she wouldn't be too surprised if the studio found a way to bring Ripley back. In her own words, "they'd probably find a way to resurrect Ripley using the DNA in her fingernails". This off-the-cuff joke was pretty accurate since the character was cloned back to life in the thoroughly misjudged sequel, Alien: Resurrection. However, Ripley has yet to appear in a Predator film so at least Weaver dodged that bullet.

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Alien 3
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