20 Things You Didn't Know About Batman Begins

11. Bruce Wayne's Journey Was - At Least In Part - Inspired By Teddy Roosevelt


Nope, that's not a joke: according to former president of DC Paul Levitz in the documentary €œBatman Unmasked€ (included on the Dark Knight Blu-ray), when Christopher Nolan first met with him to discuss the character of Bruce Wayne, Nolan told Levitz that the key to understanding Wayne€™s journey was understanding the 26th president of the United States. The parallels are actually kind of weird: just like Bruce Wayne, Teddy Roosevelt€™s father was New York€™s great €œpatrician benefactor€; like Wayne, Teddy Roosevelt suffered terrible personal loss €“ his mother and wife died on the same day €“ and disappeared into the wilderness, perhaps to find himself, perhaps to kill himself; and like Wayne, Roosevelt reforged himself during his time away, returning to New York as, in Levitz€™s words, €œthis insane police commissioner bicycling through the city in the middle of the night.€ If only Nolan and Goyer had taken the inspiration all the way; now I€™m imagining a Batman movie where the dark knight pedals a bicycle all around his city of choice€
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C.B. Jacobson pops up at What Culture every once in a while, and almost without fail manages to embarrass the site with his clumsy writing. When he's not here, he's making movies, or writing about them at http://buddypuddle.blogspot.com.