20 Things You Didn't Know About Batman Returns

18. The Penguin's Image Was A Top Secret Affair

Batman Returns Final Shot
Warner Bros.

Information on DeVito’s character were deliberately kept tightly under wraps in the build-up to the film’s release, so much so that he wasn’t allowed to discuss details of his character’s appearance with anybody outside of the filming process. This strict rule even applied to his own family.

Warner Brothers even went as far as hiring a private investigator to try and hunt down the perpetrator when shots of DeVito in costume were leaked to the press.

Burton’s idea was to really ramp up the shock factor when the Penguin was finally unveiled on screen, and with those nightmarish prosthetics and his deathly pallor, you’d have to see job well done, Tim.

In fact, security on set was so stringent during the entirety of the shoot that Kevin Costner - yes, the Kevin Costner - was denied access when he turned up for a visit.

Imagine telling Robin Hood to do one because you weren’t sure if he could be trusted or not.


Jason Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.