20 Things You Didn't Know About Blade Runner

2. A Much More Action Packed Opening Was Planned, Then Scrapped

Blade Runner Poster
Warner Bros.

In a similar case to the film's original climax, Blade Runner was originally supposed to have a more action-packed opening, which was ultimately discarded. This featured Deckard, silently waiting in a house in the countryside, a pot of soup boiling. A man would enter in protective clothing, go to get some soup, and then address Deckard - only for Deckard to immediately shoot him dead. The scene was dropped, and Deckard is instead introduced in a much more subdued fashion which better suits his gloomy demeanour.

That all sounds familiar though, doesn't it? That's because the scene was reworked and adapted decades later in Blade Runner 2049, whose opening features the confrontation between Blade Runner K and Replicant Sapper Morton almost beat-for-beat. Soup and all.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.