20 Things You Didn't Know About Catwoman

18. Halle Berry's Best Friend Is Lois Griffin

Sharon Stone Halle Berry Catwoman
Warner Bros.

As Alex Borstein is not using a more nasal voice in this film, it is easy for audiences to overlook the fact that Patience Phillips's co-worker and best friend, Sally was actually the actress behind Peter Griffin's long-suffering wife, Lois from Family Guy.

Sally's main functions in the film are to firstly try and break Patience out of her mousy shell.

Then, when Patience's resurrection at the paws of an army of cats has achieved that, she represents the dangerous effects that Hedare Beauty's new anti-wrinkle cream, Beauline, will have if it is released onto the market. Collapsing in the street as she is helping Patience to empty her cubicle at work, Sally spends the remainder of the film in the hospital, eyeing up her doctor.

Family Guy has been broadcast since 1999, but Borstein is certainly much better known for her role as Lois Griffin than she is for her role in this supposed Batman spin-off.


I started writing for WhatCulture in July 2020. I have always enjoyed reading and writing. I have contributed to several short story competitions and I have occasionally been fortunate enough to have my work published. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I also started reviewing films on my Facebook page. Numerous friends and contacts suggested that I should start my own website for reviewing films, but I wanted something a bit more diverse - and so here I am! My interests focus on film and television mainly, but I also occasionally produce articles that venture into other areas as well. In particular, I am a fan of the under appreciated sequel (of which there are many), but I also like the classics and the mainstream too.