20 Things You Didn't Know About Goodfellas

7. The Morrie's Wigs Commercial Was The First Scene Filmed

Movies typically don't have their scenes shot in order, so the first scene of a movie is rarely, if ever, the first scene that was actually shot. And the first scene filmed for Goodfellas is a pretty surprising one.

The low-budget Morrie's Wigs infomercial was actually the first scene that was shot for the movie, and interestingly it wasn't even directed by Scorsese.

Inspired by a low-budget commercial for a replacement window company, Scorsese contacted the company. The person in the ad, Stephen R. Pacca, owned the company and created the ad himself.

In order to make it look like an authentic local ad, Scorsese hired Pacca to write, direct, and edit the commerical for Morrie's Wigs. Pacca definitely nailed its low-budget, amateur nature.


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.