20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

8. Special Effects With Stogies

Near Dark
De Laurentiis Entertainment

Bigelow's Achilles Heel for vampires is sunlight, and the film used some ingenious effects to represent this onscreen. When the gang are shooting their way out of the motel, Caleb braves the sun to fire up the getaway van and smoke begins to pour from his arms and face.

This is next level creativity; small tubes were threaded through skin prosthetics and were in turn connected to a bandolier of lit cigars in tubes beneath the actor;'s clothes. Small fans generated airflow, producing the smoke effect. Caleb actor Adrian Pasdar explained the unfortunate side effect:

I stunk like a stogie for a good week and a half afterwards... I smelled like I'd been smoking cigar after cigar, like I was playing in some Diamond Jim poker game with an endless hand...
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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...