20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

6. "Finger Lickin' Good... !"

Near Dark
De Laurientis

Bill Paxton had a reputation for pulling pranks on set and regularly improvising lines of dialogue. Some of these thankfully ended up in the final cut, including the infamous bar sequence, in which Jesse and the gang devour bikers and bartenders one by one.

Paxton complained of a migraine on the day the sequence was filming and requested a "shot of B12" from the on-set medic. This apparently had him flying and before long, the lines began to flow like blood: "Well I'll be goddamned, sh*t kicker heaven!" observes Severen at the door.

Slurping the blood from his fingertips with psychotic glee, Paxton nailed it: "Finger lickin' good!" was the line that stayed in the cut, cribbed from the famous KFC advertising slogan.

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...