20 Things You Didn't Know About Near Dark

14. Near Dark Almost Had A Sequel... First Light

Near Dark
De Laurentiis Entertainment

The idea of a sequel/prequel has been discussed for years and in the DVD extras of Near Dark, Bigelow teased an idea:

"It is in fact the prequel, the Civil War days and how this group formed and those that formed them... Someday perhaps... "

Adrian Pasdar expanded further on a follow up:

"Everybody claims to stake a flag of ownership onto the idea of a sequel. I think we all walked away with our own designs of how fun it would be to make a film called First Light,"

Henriksen even had the opening shot:

"The prequel would start with a deer getting hit by a car and the blood from the deer would run down the crack and go into the soil where we burned up [in the film's climax]."

Well, that was 2002 and there's still no sign of Jesse, Severen, Homer or Diamondback... yet.

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...