20 Things You Didn't Know About The Blair Witch Project

14. A Fake Website Was Set Up Six Months Prior

Blair Witch Project
Artisan Entertainment

Arguably the most impressive thing about The Blair Witch Project is the marketing behind the picture and the way in which it utilised the Internet.

You have to remember, this was at a time when the Internet was a shiny new toy for us all and we naively believed that everything featured on the ‘net just simply had to be true. After all, who would go to the effort to write made-up bullsh*t, right?

Six months prior to The Blair Witch Project receiving its Sundance premiere - which was a further six months before the film's first cinema run - the minds behind the movie set up a website that was reporting on the missing trio of Heather, Mike and Josh and asking people to keep their eyes open for the three.

Perfectly exploiting the technology of the time, the buzz around The Blair Witch Project became huge down to how many angles the directors had covered – a prime one being the foresight to create a website so far ahead of the film’s release.

It may seem like basic fundamentals nowadays, but back then this was revolutionary.

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Senior Writer

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