20 Things You Didn't Know About The Prestige
11. The Identity Of The Tesla Machine Heckler
Midway through the film there's a scene in which Tesla's assistant Alley (Andy Serkis) shows off his boss's alternating current machine to a crowd inside London's Royal Albert Hall.
Unfortunately, the demonstration doesn't go very well, and Alley is forced to leave the stage when the machine starts to crackle and whirr violently. But before the scene ends, the camera focuses on one particular heckler in the audience (pictured above) who shouts things like "does that look safe to you?" and "this thing is gonna blow!"
At first you might think that he's a random citizen who's fearful of Tesla's machine, but later in the film, this same man appears again - just before the scene where Angier finds Tesla's burning home - referenced as one of Thomas Edison's men.
So, he wasn't just a random heckler after all - he was working for Edison the whole time, and his yells of concern were actually just a way for him to try and discredit Tesla, Edison's biggest rival.