20 Things You Didn't Know About The Ring

19. The Deleted Scenes Were Too Violent

There were several scenes cut from this movie for being too violent for a PG 13 rating, including the murder of Samara herself at the hands of her (adopted) mother. In the extended sequence, Anna Morgan isn't content with asphyxiation, she nails the poor kid over the head with a rock too.

Richard Morgan's suicide was also cut - it's gnarly enough in the final cut but here we see more blood, more writhing and more sparks as he wires up every available appliance in the house as a makeshift electric chair.

The owner of the mountain cabin above Samara's watery grave is found dead in a canoe, in another deleted scene, which explains why he never objected to Rachel and Noah destroying the cabin floor to reach the well.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...