20 Things You Didn't Know About The Ring

18. The First Of The Remakes

Samara The Ring
Ghost House Pictures

With the enormous success of The Ring, J-Horror was a blank cheque waiting to be cashed in by Hollywood. If The Ring was the first wave, what followed was a tsunami: The Grudge (two sequels, one reboot), Dark Water, Shutter, Old Boy, Pulse, One Missed Call, The Eye, A Tale Of Two Sisters and that's just in the US.

The machine in Japan never stopped - three Ring films, two non canon sequels, manga adaptations, Sadako 3D plus a sequel, a Grudge monster mash up in Sadako Verses Kayako (with a US version on the way), two television series, the Korean remake AND a 2019 return to the franchise from Hideo Nakata (simply titled Sadako), plus enough dolls and lunchboxes to make Freddy Krueger look like a one hit wonder.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...