20 Things You Didn't Know About The Ring

15. Jennifer Connolly Was NEARLY The Lead

Samara The Ring

Would The Ring have been a different beast altogether if, as rumoured, Jennifer Connolly had taken the lead role? Maybe, she's a fine actor but then so is Naomi Watts, the eventual star of the project. Interestingly, Connolly went on to star in another remake of a J-Horror classic, Dark Water, the original being directed by none other than Hideo Nakata who was, you guessed it, the original director of Ringu.

Other possible leads also included Jennifer Love Hewitt (although she had done her fair share of screaming in the nineties), Gwyneth Paltrow (probably screamed before John Doe cut off her head in Se7en) and Kate Beckinsale (caused a lot of screaming in the Underworld series, although possibly for other reasons).


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...