20 Things You Didn't Know About The Terminator

7. Schwarzenegger Was Originally Going To Play Kyle Reese

Terminator Arnie
Orion Pictures

Before being definitively cast as the T-800, Schwarzenegger was in the running for Kyle Reese. Cameron never saw Schwarzenegger in the role, however, as he envisioned Reese as a much scrawnier man than Schwarzenegger.

Cameron also never saw the T-800 as someone with Schwarzenegger’s build. In the original concept art for the character, Cameron used Lance Henriksen's likeness to sell the film to potential buyers. The idea being that the T-800 is an infiltrator and should be able to blend in with a crowd easily – someone with the stature of a former Mr. Universe could never do this.

This original idea was changed when Cameron met Schwarzenegger, as he gave Cameron tips on how the role should be played. After this, Cameron saw no one else in the role.


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