20 Things You Didn't Know About The Terminator

5. Cameron Was Sleeping Rough When He Wrote The Terminator

Terminator Arnie
Skydance Productions

It is crazy to think that Cameron, now the fifth highest grossing director of all time, was living rough when we first wrote The Terminator.

Of course, fans will know that Cameron’s first directing credit is on Piranha 2: The Spawning, not The Terminator. Cameron was brought on to direct the Piranha sequel when the original director left. Cameron was the official director for two and a half weeks before he was fired by the producer, who led the production from there.

Cameron thought he was doing a good job and hadn’t realized he had been replaced. Upon seeing what they were cutting together, he wanted nothing more than to get off the production. But, unfortunately for him, they had to release the film with his name attached as director, and there was nothing he could do to change it.

Cameron later recounted that he had no legal power whilst he was sleeping on his friends couch and living in his car. Because of this, Cameron had no money, and was forced to start writing The Terminator with nothing.


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