20 Things You Somehow Missed In Gravity

6. George Clooney Helped Resolve His Character's Story (Kind Of)

gravity sandra bullock
Warner Bros.

After Matt Kowalski's demise, Ryan Stone made her way to the Soyuz space station where it was revealed that the station had no fuel to facilitate her survival. Accepting her seeming fate, Stone cuts off her oxygen supply and hallucinates Kowalski returning to her and giving the push needed to survive.

Contrary to several reports at the time, the above sequence did not involve Clooney's input, as it was set in stone, but the actor did offer some help with a later scene focused on Bullock's character. The scene involved Stone making her way back to Earth and "talking" to the long-gone Kowalski, telling him to be on the lookout for her deceased daughter.

While a bit hokey, the moment still serves the film's overall emotional climax, specifically Stone's ability to move forward from tragedy.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.