20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

3. Only Film Where Vader Doesn't Unleash A Force Choke

Jabba SW

Almost as iconic as the sound of the most recognisable force of evil in the galaxy's breathing is the sight of Darth Vader using the Force to cut off an unsuspecting fool's air supply.

But in a move that perhaps reflected how the one-time Anakin Skywalker had been spending the entire movie edging back towards the light, Vader isn't actually seen choking any Imperials or Rebels throughout Return of the Jedi.

Had the decision been made to leave in one of Episode VI's deleted scenes, however, The Emperor's right hand man would've maintained his 100% choking record in Star Wars movies, with Vader originally gripping Commander Jerjerrod via the Force after not being granted access to his master's throne room.

Said choke never made the cut, though, so Return of the Jedi still ranks as the only choke-free entry on Vader's big-screen CV.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...