20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

16. The Han, Leia, And Luke Hair Connection

Star Wars Last Jedi Facts

As Luke Skywalker finally reunites with his sister on Crait during the climax of the feature, the two Skywalker siblings share a sweet moment together before the former heads out to confront the latter's son.

Leia Organa's perfect quip about how she changed her hair in this heartwarming exchange was something that Carrie Fisher herself actually came up with. But you likely didn't spot how this brilliant one-liner also subtly connected the central trio of the original trilogy.

Jumping back a film to The Force Awakens, you'll never guess what the first words to fall out of Han Solo's mouth were when he came face-to-face with his former lover again.

This famous smuggler noticed how the iconic princess had "changed (her) hair" as the two reconnected on Takodana.

So, Leia, seemingly sensing that the other important fella in the general's life would similarly be quick to point out how she'd opted to alter her hairstyle, cheekily beat this returning hero to the punch this time around.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...