20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Big Lebowski

4. Some Mistaken Mammals

The Big Lebowski Milk

Often incorrectly regarded as goofs, there are two instances where characters refer to animals by the wrong breed. With how much time and research the Coens put into their scripts, it seems much more likely that calling the Nihilists' ferret a marmot and Cynthia's terrier a Pomeranian is part of the joke.

The characters in The Big Lebowski certainly aren't morons, they're simply so laid back that they don't even bother to check and make sure they're correctly identifying the animals they're talking about.

Walter even mentions his uncertainty over the breed of the Pomeranian — er, terrier — at one point. Look out for both scenes and decide for yourself on your next rewatch.


Matthew Austin hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.