20 Things You Somehow Missed In X-Men
20 years on, X-Men keeps on giving.
Though there have been bigger and better superhero movies released over the last 20 years, there's no denying the lasting impact the original 2000 X-Men movie had upon the landscape of comic book cinema.
A sub-genre that for many years was just a campy joke was finally taken seriously by Hollywood, aided by some impressively stylish direction and, best of all, an absolutely top-notch ensemble cast.
The original film was admittedly eclipsed by the more ambitious successes of the later entries into the series, namely X2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Logan, and so nobody would blame you for not revisiting this comparatively quaint superhero flick in recent years.
But you'll be missing out on a film that's not only intensely rewatchable, but also loaded with little secrets, Easter eggs, and references which you almost certainly have never noticed.
Long before the MCU came along, the original X-Men proved how dense and detail-packed a superhero movie could be, ensuring that those who paid close attention would be handsomely rewarded...
20. "X" Marks The Spot
It's fair to say that most of us don't pay too much attention to the opening studio idents before movies actually get going, so there's a good chance you've missed a sneaky Easter egg included at the start of several of the earlier X-Men movies, starting with the 2000 original.
As the 20th Century Fox logo fades to black after the typical fanfare, the letter "X" remains on screen for a fraction of a second longer before fading out, ensuring it stands out for the mere blink of an eye.
But again, if you typically use the studio vanity opening to check your phone or do basically anything but look at the screen, you'll miss it every single time.