20 War Movies EVERY Film Fan Should Have Seen

17. Das Boot

The Bridge on the River Kwai
Columbia Pictures

The film which propelled The Perfect Storm director Wolfgang Petersen into Hollywood stardom, Das Boot is the claustrophobic but languidly presented story of a doomed German U-boat in WWII and its likeable crew.

A three hour epic set entirely in the environs of one real life submarine, the film follows the everyday existence of these men and makes their unremarkable personal histories vividly real, lending devastating pathos to its eventual tragic ending.

A rare successful attempt to humanize the countless Germans for whom war was simply an everyday reality, this film is an exercise in cinematic empathy which will leave you surprised by how tragic the death of a few Nazis can seem.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.